Mona Makina

Mona Makina

Sales Associate at Zindela Properties

  • Service Areas: Philippines, Manila
  • Specialties: Consultant

Property Types

  • 47% Condo
  • 21% House & Lot
  • 6% Commercial
  • 26% Other

Property Status

  • 62% For Sale
  • 35% For Rent
  • 4% Sold

Property Cities

  • 30% Metro Manila
  • 24% Makati
  • 13% Taguig
  • 32% Other

About Mona Makina

Mona Makina is a freelance property agent based in the Philippines, specializing in property sales and rentals. She is affiliated with the online property platform Zindela Properties, where she lists and promotes various properties for sale or rent. With her extensive knowledge of the real estate market in the Philippines, Mona offers her clients personalized and professional service, providing them with the necessary information and guidance to help them make informed decisions about their property investment.

Her dedication to delivering exceptional customer service and her passion for the industry has earned her a reputation as a trusted and reliable partner for clients looking to buy, sell, or rent properties in the Philippines.

Language: English,Taglog

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